Kyle Kalkman's Blog – @kylekalkman

June 24, 2010

Two Pictures from C2E2

Filed under: Uncategorized — kylek @ 02:37

I just remebered that I need to upload some drawings I got from C2E2 and so here are the two coolest things I got:

Dead Winter Art

Dead Winter Art

A painting by @Reiley from

KC Green and Tiger Buttah

KC Green and Tiger Buttah

This is a collaboration from KC Green (@choadmalma) from and Becky (@beckyandfrank) from

March 16, 2010

Paintings from Webcomics People

Filed under: Uncategorized — kylek @ 02:22

I wanted to show off the painting I got from Rene Engstrom and Patrick Alexander.

Eve and Maria

Eve and Maria by Rene Engstrom

Painting by Patrick Alexander

Painting by Patrick Alexander

I got both of these through donation drives and I suggest that you read their comics if you haven’t and donate to them either way.

I realize that the formatting on this blog post is totally screwed up, but I really don’t care.

August 4, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — kylek @ 23:51

This blog is a placeholder in case I ever have anything to say that someone else might like to read.

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